Another exciting night in Beantown. If you've been watching at home, you've probably seen the way Democrats have reached out to people who are unemployed, destitute, and without hope, whether they've just returned from Iraq or broken off an engagement with J-Lo. Unfortunately, I've been too busy star-gazing and enjoying my mini-bar to speak with many of the convention attendees. That's where our National Affairs editor William Sliender comes in. Bill is a senior fellow of Self-Evident Convention Analysis at the Bricklined Institute and the author of a recent column, Convention Bounce: Will Kerry Get A Convention Bounce?. He joined me in the skybox earlier to discuss his polling of the delegates.
LF: Welcome back, Bill. Fancy meeting you here.
WS: Thank you, LF. Great to be back - it's great to be back.
LF: Now the big star tonight was John Edwards, as he officially accepted the VP slot. What's been the reaction of the public so far to the addition of Edwards on the Kerry ticket?
WS: Well, so far I'd say the reaction has been mixed - which is to say, ambivalent. Mostly the response seems to break down along gender lines: a majority of women say they find Edwards earnest, articulate and caring, while men we've polled say they've resented him since high school. This divergence has even prompted a new slogan for the Republicans...Bush-Cheney: Steady, Responsible And Very Unlikely To Turn Up In Your Wife's Diary.
LF: Are the Democrats trying to play up a contrast between Edwards and the incumbent veep, Dick Cheney?
WS: Oh, I think so. Notice that Edwards is frequently photographed with his young children in a way that calls to mind the JFK "Camelot" days of the early '60s. Whereas this is the most flattering photo we could find of Vice President Cheney:

To be fair, the Vice President is reportedly very attractive to people who've seen him up-close and behind-doors in a secret energy task force meeting. Maybe not as photogenic as some, but to the oil industry executives I've talked to, he is a beautiful, beautiful man. I guess that really shows the intense partisan divide in this country.
LF: Speaking of partisan division, what's the sentiment of the delegates today? Is the feeling more pro-Kerry or anti-Bush?
WS: I would say it's a thin line between pro-Kerry and anti-Bush. But there's definitely a fair amount of animosity to the Republican incumbent. In my survey of convention-goers, I asked them to describe their feelings toward the president. These were the results:

Obviously, the challenge for the Democrats this November is to channel that visceral anger into victory at the polls rather than several "road rage" incidents. They've managed to do a pretty good job of it so far - at the convention this week, only one cable news correspondent has been publicly "fragged." You know, they're quiet, but you gotta watch out for that Montana delegation.
LF: On the subject of cable news, do you have any read on how the delegates feel about Fox News covering the convention?
WS: Yes, that was another question I asked. I wanted to know if the Democrats gathered here felt that outlets like Fox were legitimate news organizations or merely tools of the Republican party. Here's how they responded:

I have to say, in all my years as a pollster, I've never seen more unity among Democrats or felt greater fear for my personal safety. With this much anger on both sides, 2004 could be, quite literally, a bloodbath. What an exciting time for us political junkies!
LF: Thursday is John Kerry's acceptance address. How well does he have to do?
WS: He has to really hit it out of the park, and if possible, hit a home run. He has to deliver the speech of his life - that is, a speech better than any he's given in the sixty years he's been breathing. Can he do it? We'll find out very soon, if not sooner.
LF: Thank you for your insights, Bill. I hope we can do this again at the Republican convention.
WS: Thank you. I look forward to it - in fact, that's something I'm looking forward to.
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