Well, my four-day voyage into the heart of American democracy has ended. John Kerry has accepted the nomination, and I've accepted the mantle of America's preeminent political blogger. These are heady times for both of us. I kinda wish I had a "band of brothers" to share it with, but for now, I guess you'll do.
So what have we learned this week? We've learned that John Kerry may be the most qualified man in the country to fight Al Queda in Vietnam. We've learned that the flag of the United States of America doesn't belong to any one party, it belongs to anyone trying to win a national election. And we've learned that a (sorta) skinny kid with a funny screen name can cover the conventions as well as any of the hacks at the networks. Lt. LF reporting for duty!
Let me say a special word of thanks to the people who made this week possible, beginning with my parents. They taught me the values of faith, family and country that I hope to one day incorporate into a best-selling series and documentary for HBO. I'll never forget the immigrant cab-driver who couldn't speak English very well but had some great dish about the Kennedys. I'll always remember the 23-year-old waitress, struggling to make ends meet, with a child in daycare and a husband away in Iraq or Afghanistan or - I don't really remember, because Bono was at another table and I got very distracted. Oh, what cool sunglasses he had! These are memories I'll treasure in my heart forever, unless America is attacked again and I become an arch right-winger who despises everyone I've partied with for the last four days. Hopefully, that won't happen. But if it does....well, that's why we have two conventions.
A great American novelist once said, You can't go home again. My parents said something similar. But tonight, I am home. Home in my living room. Home with my cats and my Plastic Bertrand posters. So tonight, on behalf of all Lomblog participants, with a faith that tomorrow's posts will be better than today's, I say to you - I really need a shower.
Cue the balloons!
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