Yes, friends, I have returned - relaxed, refreshed and ready to begin a whole new era of Lomblog greatness. Sure, some will question the appropriateness of this occasion, what with the country at war and Martha Stewart still in prison. But as recent events prove, fate hangs all of us by a thread even more slender than Ashlee Simpson's odds of avoiding a desperation Playboy spread. Therefore, I have chosen to resurrect this great American institution one more time before I completely forget my Blogger password. I think the troops and Martha would want it that way.
As you may have guessed, I underwent something of a religious transformation during my off-time. My workaholic ways, producing nearly one new post every two weeks, left me with little time to stop and smell the things that really mattered. Even my closest friends would describe me as "moody" and "uncommunicative", and not in a way that could be construed as "cool". It was only after a chance encounter with a French missionary at a private screening of Hotel Rwanda that I began to realize what a large dimension of life I had missed out on in my constant reach for fame and acceptance. And after she went home with Don Cheadle, I realized even more the depths of my spiritual deprivation. Ouch....the Lord giveth and He taketh away!
Don't worry, I'm won't be using this space to proselytize; my web-referral stats will tell me all I need to know about the final destination of your soul. But I have changed in at least one respect: no longer will I mix the sacred and the profane with so little respect for either. In fact, I killed a piece on the recent Oscar nominations because it contained this graphic:

As someone Jewish once said, "Never again".
For our longtime readers, I can guarantee you Lomblog will quickly return to the kind of fun, wit and deep insight you've come to expect after months of virtual silence. It all begins tomorrow with our special live coverage of the President's State of the Union address. Yes, the State of the Union - after all this time, I can't wait to find out how the country is doing!
Bless you,
Well, If I consider that the previous post that said "Back Momentarily..." worked out to mean two weeks later. "It all begins tomorrow" could mean I will need to leave a request in my will asking my ancestors to look up this website in the distant future and channel the update to me in the hereafter.
Sorry about that, Anony - I guess since I've embraced this new, less secular mindset, I really haven't thought about time in the linear sense. But I'm pleased to learn that you will be passing the URL on to your loved ones.
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