He's Made Up His Mind
African Boy Disavows Madonna Adoption, Holds Out For Brangelina
100% More Dormant!
I saw your review in Amazon.com and I had to come here to see if you were for real. I guess you are.- Anonymous Commentator
...one of the funniest things i've read in a long time. btw the guy who commented before me... what a moron.- Fellow Anonymous Commentator
I can't figure out how I feel about this phenomenon. I know these children will have more opportunities , better health care, and hot nannies; but, are they being adopted because it is the cool thing to do, or because these famous people want to love and raise them? I remember Mommie Dearest, and that Joan Crawford adopted her children, not because she loved children, but because she wanted others to think she loved children (and of course she wanted to be adored at home as well as on the screen). So, I have to keep saying to myself that these kids will have a better life...over and over again, and hope that is enough.
Being poor isn't the worst thing in the world. Having a self-absorbed obsessive mother can be. I do look forward to the books that these kids will write when they are adults ;-)
four days without a post? Where are you?
ack. a whole week without Lomblog!
Hope things are okay.
*drops a pin*
*hears it hit the floor in the quiet room*
What ever happened to Mr Fan?
That's the question on everyone's mind.
why don't you tell us anonymous? I bet you know.
Come on, LF, don't make me call your MOM...
Well, the one known as Spo has taken vacations from chat periodically, so perchance L.F. is taking a long break as well. But, this absence has been long enough, and here we are on the eve of elections. L.F., aren't you dieing to speak. Has someone taken you hostage?....Free L.F, free L.F...........(there are sex, drug and political scandals abounding) We need L.F.!!!
I'm signing up also, to the Free L.F. campaign.
Personally I like the idea of LF being taken hostage, with a whip, leather, and some furry handcuffs thrown in, but that's just me. :P
Ted Haggard? Is that last comment from you?
ROFLMAO! No Tree, not even close. But....If I blindfolded him I could pretend to be if you think LF would like that. :)
anything to get LF back to blogging!
I say we should start some salacious rumors about LF's absence just to liven things up around here.
Hmmmm...any ideas?
Right, that's it, I'm calling your Mom...
I've heard numerous stories about LF's disappearance, the top 2 are....
1.He was incarcerated for improper usage of his neighbors milk cow.
2.While on vacation with Horatio Sanz, he was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning, and removal of a gerbil from his..um..well..you get the picture....and undoubtedly wish you didn't.
darn...I'm at a loss. Those rumors were too good!
i only come here for the comments about the absense of LF now
OK, as far as those two rumors go, I don't think we should be too judgemental about the incident with the cow. I've heard he has some serious osteoporosis and needs the calcium.
As far as the other rumor goes...that's still just "ewwwww." And NO I did not type ewe. Let's not go there.
Now that ewe mention it, LF isn't a kiwi, is he? I've heard the kiwi's are quite fond of their sheep.
*dons a helmet in preparation for the onslaught of fuzzy fruit*
I'm sure we all have missed the Saturday YouTube Matinees, so in honor of it, here is one that I am fond of for it's use of palindromes. Granted, it is not as obscure a offering as this blog is used to, but I think it's still worth a look. So without further ado, here's Weird Al Yankovic's parody of Bob Dylan.
love the video! Was that LF in the background, the one with the beard? Of course, I don't know what LF looks like but rumor is he's exactly like Zelig.
Wherever LF is, I hope he's ok.
--tossing fuzzy fruit at anonymous--
I think you're on to something there Tree, I believe that was LF in the backround playing 3 card monty. After living in an alley for a month that Don Johnson stubble grew into a formidable hasidic forest. You'd think he'd be able to find a discarded razor somewhere and spiffy himself up just a bit.
*ducks as fuzzy fruit flies by my head*
Hey, you almost put out my third eye! I haven't seen a Tree with that kind of arm since The Wizard of Oz. :P
P.S. I also hope that LF is ok, please don't tell anyone but I miss him too. *blushes*
rofl...hasidic forest. I love it!
By the way, kiwi fruit are 10 for $3 at the local store today. Gotta love synchronicity.
cheeky hobson ~ can you email me please if you read this. thanks
L.F., you must realize by now that your fans are worried. Yes, like most humans we are hiding it with sporadic stabs at humor, or something related to humor. L.F., send up a smoke signal; we shall be grateful even for that....Do send along a smoke signal translation guide for those of us who are ignorant, but do send something. For now I shall continue juggling kiwis, since Tree pointed out how affordable they are <---another cheap stab at humor.
I thought I saw LF drinking a pina colada at trader vic's, and his hair was perfect.
did he have a chinese menu in his hand?
I'm with nina on this.
checky - I don't know your email addy... I'll try to find you in books...
No more cheap attempts at being funny for me, this long without an update can't be good...I am worried.
C'mon Sposter - enough is enough....
Checky, any luck?
nope - he has vanished :(
Happy Thanksgiving, LF and other commentors. Save the turkeys!
Hi LF, I really miss your posts. Hope you write something soon.
You are missed Spo; sincerely hope all is well in your world.
Worry and concern stifles my beautiful maliciousness. :(
Happy Chanooka, LF
Seasons Greetings, Spo, wherever you are.
I must confess I'm sad that you haven't responded to posts here nor to email. FYI I've even searched your local news and (heaven forbid)obituaries searching for clues, to no avail.
I will respect your decision to walk away. Email if & when you want to be found again.
Love and blessings, Sposter.
Merry Christmas, LF. take care of yourself in the New Year, please.
To all those of you who are worried about Mr Fan - do not be alarmed. I have heard from him today and he is alive!!!!!
grrrr I'm going to kill him for this!
x x x
that's great news. I hope he's back to blogging soon.
Ever so thankful LF did not "get in the box"
It's sad to see another blog bite the dust.
R.I.P. Lomblog
R.I.P. ? Do you know something I don't?!?
C'mon, LF, time to resurrect...
Being that I don't know what you know, I really couldn't say. My comment was simply derived from the observation that LF has not posted in here since October 13, 2006. That is a very long time in the blog world, so although I want whole-heartedly to be wrong, I have personally lost hope of ROFLMAO at Lomblog any time soon. That being said, I sincerely hope LF blogs again, and proves me to be the drama queen he had so wisely pegged me for.
100% more dormant indeed ~ carn mr fan
100% more something that's fo sho! I hope that tiny morsel didn't cramp your hands.
There's still Little Miss Sunshine to be talked about, and you're just the person to do it.
Someone needs to be spanked.
Blogs should be treated like email accounts, a month without activity and they close it down.
I saw him! I saw him!
*shut down the gas and electricity*
what happened here
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