Clearly, the people have spoken:

Too Much Foley?
Yea (3) 42.86%
Nay (2) 28.57%
Don't stop, I'm almost there (2) 28.57%
Those are the results of Wednesday's Webpoll. So I hereby resign from non-stop coverage of the Foley saga.
I make this decision with a heavy heart, with full knowledge that there are things like this out there:

I know the recovery process won't be easy. But I have confidence the Lomblog reader community - or 43% of it - will be with me every step along the way.
For those of you that voted differently, let's remember that special time we shared, when a fair-haired Congressman with a twinkle in his eyes and laptop in lockdown captured our fancy and wouldn't let go, until we were forced to report him to Rep. John Shimkus, head of the House Page Board.

Rep. Mark Foley
I swear on the soul of John Walsh the next post won't even have the word "Foley" in it!
Actually, I am afraid that the name Foley will soon become a term meaning to **** with, or to, young boys and even girls as soon as "to foley" enters the universal on-line lexicon. So, I too shall say adieu to Foleygate for now, and await the day that Oprah parades him in shackles, on her show, and uses him to show how to properly administer corporal punishment.
will anonymous
okay, time to whine. for some reason I can't post on here unless I use the google account and the blasted thing insists on printing my name on the top......argh.....sheesh......(everyone just ignore the nina and think of me as will anonymous, okay.....please,,,,sigh)
Nina is not my real name of course. It is the name of a super hero.....there ya go
You've been outed!
This guy is already using "Foleys" as a synonym for dirty IMs to the underage. But I figure most politicians are so egomaniacal they're happy with anything being named after them.
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