What's your favorite title for North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il? Take our poll.

Kim Jong-Il
Your responses will be closely monitored by Asian meteorologists.
100% More Dormant!
I saw your review in Amazon.com and I had to come here to see if you were for real. I guess you are.- Anonymous Commentator
...one of the funniest things i've read in a long time. btw the guy who commented before me... what a moron.- Fellow Anonymous Commentator
Did he have his hair permed for the pic?
You missed 'nancy boy' from the list.
Ah, we should put a K followed by the applicable term for whomever we find reprehensible; and then we should put them all in a room together, pull a lever and make them all go K-boom...The End
Dr. Strangejong or How I learned to stop worrying and love da bomb
Very wise, Nina.
I thought that was Elvis?
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