By Special Guest Blogger, Punditta
Editors: At 15, Punditta is America's youngest, freshest, and by all accounts, most adorable political commentator. She's been publishing her own site since 2004, having left her original online forum, J*e*n*n*i G's Personal Hizzome-Page, over "creative differences." From there, her popularitiy skyrocketed. Last year, she was called "sassy, irreverent and essential" by the editors of Time Magazine, who recently hired her to tutor their children.
Other political scribes have also taken note of Punditta; at a recent DC society function, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd termed her "that little bitch".
Luckily for Lomblog, she has now joined our team, and will be posting here occasionally, but never on a school night. Enjoy.
The Ewwwww Department
Can you believe Congressman Tom Tancredo tried to add me to his MySpace?

Gross!!! Even my inbox needs a shower! Shouldn't he be out hassling brown people or something?
The scary thing is, he looks just like my Spanish teacher.
On The D Tip
Meanwhile on the other side of the aisle, the Dems are juiced about taking back the House. Yay! I really don't want to go to Canada, unless I get to personally strangle Nickelback.
How confident are the Donks? They just budgeted $450,000 on ad buys in swing districts, and another $600,000 to shoot more Botox into Nancy Pelosi's face.

Pelosi, you just got P'wned!
Some Enchanted Ceasefire
Like the musical reference? Believe it or not, I was in a theatre camp production of South Pacific this summer with - get this - Donald Rumsfeld's granddaughter Kaila! I'll be YouTubing some highlights later on. Very educative show, btw. Knowing the history really puts this appeasement talk in some perspective.
I digress. Can you believe my bf and I are still arguing Israel/Lebanon? We ended up debating Mideast issues through the whole VMAs last night ("If you love the IDF so much, why don't you marry it!" "Shh...Fall Out Boy"). Ugh. Thank God (and Mom) for TiVo.
Anyway, I hope you're happy, Ehud Olmert.
The Dukes Of Allen
A lot of blog-ink got spilled this week on the subject of Senator George Allen (R-Macaca) and his affiliation with Southern bigots.
Most embarrassingly for his re-election campaign, a picture came to light which shows G-Al with some old racist dudes and that actor they used to make fun of on The Simpsons:

We got a lot of letters on this topic, including one from a reader who calls himself "LF":
Dear Punditta,
Love your blog! It's almost as good as mine [link removed].
Looking at that Allen pic, I wanted to play One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other.
Let's see here: racist...racist...racist...racist...GUN NUT!
You see, they're NOT all the same!
Thanks, LF!
My readers never let me down. It was they who they tipped me off to a pic on the homepage of Senator Allen's 19-year-old niece, Ravel.
It turns out she has a lot in common with her Dixie-loving uncle. Ravel is such a Confederate-sympathizer, she still wears Daisy Dukes!:

Welcome to America, Ravel. That Southern charm really runs in the family, doesn't it?
Please, dear readers, copy, save and distribute before the Senator's campaign staff has Ravel's tasteful pose scrubbed from the Internets.
That's it for me!
Punditta furnishings provided by Time/Warner, Inc. Hair, makeup and wardrobe provided by BloggerGrrrl.
Wow Punditta! I'm amazed at your mature yet slightly masculine blog voice. If I didn't know any better, I would guess that it's really Lombaire fan here, but I'm sure that's not it because he's in the Bahamas and I don't think they have the Internet there, but I could be wrong. ;-)
No, L.F. is in the Bahamas. We had cocktails earlier this evening and he is in fine form (albeit a wee bit burned). We discussed Punditta at length and her rather pointed attacks at her elders. L.F., unlike myself, is quite proud of the youngster. Ah well, I think her nickname sounds a bit like a nasty term my nanny used when she slipped into her native tongue. Well, must toddle off to bed, my laptop works quite well down here; I think L.F. just needed some peace and quite. Excuses all.
Thank you for your insights into LF, Lady Stickywicket, I had assumed all along that LF had a Swedish au pair.
My best wishes to the blogger, I hope he has a nice break from blogging and finds his peace and quiet.
I think lf should stay in the bahamas 'ditta rulz
Yo, LF, my man, 15 will get ya 5 to 10 in da state pen.
Como un burrito se aparece Srta. Allen. Y que grande es tu pistola, Sr. Heston!
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