The 2006 election season is officially underway. Election coverage has long been a staple of Lomblog. But this year, we're hoping to look at the campaigns through a more ...well, abstract lens. It's part of what I'm hoping will become a regular feature this fall, Politico Ad Absurdum.
Tonight, we envision a hypothetical political race between cats and dogs.
First, a message from the Dogs.

Now, the Cat counterresponse.

Let the best-loved housepet win.
Dogs and kittens have lost touch with the real issues that plague our society. It's not a wasted vote... VOTE Budgerigar!
Is that one of those strange Australian creatures?
Where would we be without Google? A lot dumber, that's for sure. I was curious and looked up Budgerigar and found it's a bird, like a parakeet.
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