Yesterday, a series of paintings and sketches allegedly created by Adolf Hitler collectively fetched $220,000 at a British auction.
For most people, the very concept of "Hitler art" - much less a Hitler art auction - is distasteful. Yet it may be worth reviewing some of the work exhibited at this event, if only to gain further insight into the mind of history's most notorious mass murderer.
So let's look briefly at Hitler the painter.

This is The Church of Preux-au-Bois, a Hitler landscape which received the largest bid at Tuesday's auction. It's a fairly standard painting of its type; the kind of thing that - give or take a few minor touches - could hang on the walls of any hotel in America. Yet there is something haunting about it. I can't figure it out. But I'd say that behind the vivid colors in this piece is a distinctly Teutonic gloom.

This is another painting in much the same vein. I couldn't find a title for it online but I understand the major Hitler art collectors call it Kitten in the Woods. The art style is a little more realistic; you have to (grudgingly) admire the sense of perspective. Again, there is something disturbing here, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Maybe it's just too hard to separate the work from its creator.

Ok, this one is a little different. It's a still life - the kind of thing every art student is asked to put forth at some point. Nothing too impressive here. Though there is something pleasing about this piece - something that despite what I know of its origins somehow makes me feel welcome.
That, apparently, is rare for a Hitler.
Regardless, I think it's fair to the say the Great Dictator was mostly a Great Mediocrity when it came to expressing himself on canvas.
Thank you for this enlightening post, by studying these paintings I now understand more fully the work of Thomas Kincaide and his ultimate goal.
By the way, interesting how Hitler ripped off Cezanne (or tried to)
I prayed no one would find out my secret until after I'd gone to the great catbox in the sky, but to be exposed on a lousy blog!?.....I HAD SEVEN HUNGRY KITTENS TO FEED!!! Thank Bast I am on my ninth life, so my shame will be short lived.
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