Wow. Nothing like a week in the Bahamas to recharge the batteries. Blog, sweet blog - I've only been back a day but it feels like I never left.
My thanks to the illustrious guest bloggers that filled in while I was away. I didn't get to read you myself. But according to the email, you guys did such a great job that if one closed one's eyes, it was like I was still blogging. Too bad the three of you had to be let go. But I'm sure we'll see you around.
Now, the personal stuff.
It might seem on the surface that Lomblog, like most blogs, is a freewheeling place with the proverbial "anything goes" attitude (actually, I'm not sure that's a proverb, but whatever). This is not the case. Hard as it may be to believe, certain topics are off-limits. Mostly, topics where I feel my opinions might be motivated by more than the usual amount of personal bias. Subjects where I just don't think I can be neutral enough to provide the kind of balanced, incisive commentary you expect and deserve.
What am I talking about? Well, the best example is the most recent: an awful lot of bloggers have had an awful lot to say on the topic of adventurer Steve Irwin's tragic, sudden demise. I haven't been one of them, and I don't expect I will be. And there's a reason.
I've never disclosed this to anyone. But eight months ago, I adopted this little beauty:

Yes, that's Gertie, my pet stingray. I picked her up on my last visit to the Caymans. Actually, it's more than I care to share here but she sorta "hitched a ride". And after the surgery, I decided to give her a new home. She's named after Gertrude Stein, btw, not the Drew Barrymore character in ET. Isn't she gorgeous?
Anyway, I think you can understand some of my recent reticence to engage with fellow bloggers. But when it comes to non-stingray news events, the debate - as usual - is joined.
Crikey! Is it 10-06-2006 already?
I recognize that sting ray from "Australia's Most Wanted"
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