Sunday, September 10, 2006

Quick Takes

Unusual for me, I know. But here's some random thoughts on recent happenings:

The 9-11 Movie

Tonight, ABC aired part one of The Path To 9/11, a controversial docu-dramedy loosely based on actual events. A lot of liberal blogs tried to get the film pulled, saying it was unfair to former President Clinton. Is it? Well, I don't know. But having caught a bit of Path myself, I can say the movie brought forth some startling revelations. Like: I had no idea that Clinton's anti-terrorism task force was jointly headed by Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen. Or that Al Qaeda's official "fight anthem" during the 1990's was Fleetwood Mac's "(Don't Stop) Thinking About Tomorrow".

Kinda makes you wonder what else was covered up during the Clinton years. If only the press corps back in those days was as aggressive, probing, and unafraid to challenge the official line as the Washington media of the last five years.

The blogstorm did achieve one victory though: ABC has agreed to postpone part 2 of PT911. It will now air in September 2008.

Brangelina Take A Stangelina

On Friday, Brad Pitt revealed he will not become a husband again until "everyone else in America" can marry who they want.

I don't think there's been enough made of what a daring statement this is. Pitt is saying he's so committed to the cause of gay marriage, he'll have officially illicit intercourse with Angelina Jolie until all fifty states recognize it.

Other stars have spoken out on behalf of homosexuals. But Pitt is the first to openly embrace the horrible, box-office-diminishing stigma "unwed father" just to show his solidarity. He's willing to put his money where Angelina's mouth is.

"Brangelina" aren't "shacking up" (and raising half of Africa) - they're living in progressive sin. More power to them.

And one other thing:

Jenifer Aniston, you should be ashamed of yourself, you filthy bigot!

Site Redesign

Yes, Lomblog looks a bit different now that we've switched over to Blogger Beta. Frankly, I think we look smashing - much better than Katie Couric. However, there are still some nooks and crannies that need polishing. Some of the archival pages aren't running real well. But then, they weren't written well either.

I'm especially enjoying the new "label" feature. If you have suggestions for how a post should be labeled, post them in comments or in e-mail. As long as they're not unflattering.

Finally, I'm looking for someone to paint my official portrait, which I hope to include somewhere on the site. It should be modeled somewhat on this.

Until tomorrow,


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