He's Made Up His Mind
African Boy Disavows Madonna Adoption, Holds Out For Brangelina
100% More Dormant!
I saw your review in Amazon.com and I had to come here to see if you were for real. I guess you are.- Anonymous Commentator
...one of the funniest things i've read in a long time. btw the guy who commented before me... what a moron.- Fellow Anonymous Commentator
Our school year started with a flair and ended that way, too. On May 27th, we were fortunate to have Congressman Mark Foley visit as we were videoconferencing with our mentor, Mike Generale. [Editor: I believe this is called "camming" now] Just as Mike recommended that students should write their congressman, in walked Congressman Foley! [With ice cream!] Students were able to learn about the interaction between government and science.[Insert your own "Foley plays Mr. Wizard" joke here]
To close our class, Congressman Foley described life as a United States Congress member. We learned about his recent visit with President Clinton and ride on Air Force One. By the way, Congressman Foley does an excellent impression of President Clinton!
Mark Foley wants you to know that he is a gay man.
Dear Friend,
Today, the pro-torture movement took a major step forward. The compromise worked out between the White House and congressional Republicans isn't perfect, but it represents a significant advance for the cause of government-sponsored sadism.
When the Pro-Torture Coalition was founded in 1997 - by Augusto Pinochet, Henry Kissinger and Rick James - people laughed at us. But now our views are mainstream, with supporters in all three branches of the US government, and among more independent-minded members of the CIA and military. Regardless of what happens in this year's elections, we aren't going away. We have just begun to fight - and to inflict brutal, physical, emotional and mental pain on our adversaries through a variety of diabolically complex methods.
We'd like to thank some who have graciously, if belatedly, embraced our position. Senator John McCain, in particular, deserves kudos for recognizing the president's inherent right to decide what is and isn't torture, despite his personal conflict on this issue.
But as always, we can't stop now.
Yes, we may have scored a touchdown but the game isn't over. Organizations like Amnesty International are still on the playing field, raising money at glitzy Hollywood fundraisers and repeating the same tired old saws about "preserving human dignity" and "upholding the Geneva Convention." Some of these self-rightous "activists" won't be satisfied until no one is tortured. Imagine if we took a position that extreme.
Fortunately, there are ways to help. Contribute directly or click the link below to visit the Americans For Torture giftshop. There you can buy stickers with our slogan, "If You Outlaw Torture, Only Outlaws Will Torture"; and t-shirts with the legend, "If You Don't Approve Of Waterboarding, You're All Wet."
Every cent earned from these products will insure that someone, somewhere is brutally mistreated.
Support AFT: the fight is yours - whether you know it or not.
Alberto Gonzales
Ann Coulter
Trent Reznor
Paid For By TorturePAC '06
I'm sure you've all heard by now that Yusef Islam, nèe Cat Stevens, has been denied entry to the US after being placed on a "watch list" of possible terrorism suspects. Naturally, as both a fan and friend of Yusef's, I found this incident shocking. Can you believe people still remember Cat Stevens?! Last time I was in an airport, I couldn't even place which member of the Thompson Twins was handling my luggage!