Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Chat With A Bin Laden Mistress

Last week, a Sudanese woman named Kola Boof made headlines worldwide with her claims of a relationship with terrorist mastermind Osama Bin-Laden. Now, another woman - this time an American - has stepped forward to describe her experiences with the world's most wanted man.

I Loved Osama

While the happenings in Boof's tale allegedly took place a decade ago, Karen Maroney - a thirty-three-year-old customer service representative from Reno, Nevada - writes of a romance with Bin-Laden that commenced after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks that brought the Al-Qaeda leader household infamy.

I spoke with Ms. Maroney via phone earlier this evening:

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Hello. So how exactly did you, an American, come to meet Mr. Bin Laden?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Through Craigslist.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF That seems implausible.

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Oh no, I've met lots of people through there. If you're single, you should definitely check it out.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF But Osama Bin-Laden?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Yes.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF He responded to your ad?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden No, I responded to his.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF What did it say?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Well, keep in mind, this was over a year ago, and I'm not one who saves things but it said something like: "Tall, wealthy, likes to travel. Seeks obedient Westerner. Must be STD-free and hate the scourge of Zionism. No BBWs pls."

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF And you responded to that?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Sure, why not?

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF And how did you find out it was him?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden He sent me a picture, and I said, "Are you that guy on CNN?" He was kind of bashful at first, but after a while he admitted it.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Wait - he e-mailed you a picture?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden No. It was through his camera phone.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF He has a camera phone?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Yeah - do you have one?

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Not important. Beyond all that, when did this flirtation turn romantic?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden When he opened up to me about his health. The last few years have been really rough on him, he told me. Because of this, he said if we ever met, he might not be able to "perform" as he might like. And, well...I saw a different side of him. He was vulnerable, and real to me for the first time.

What can I say? I'm a woman. I just wanted to reach through the Motorola, wipe that mountain dust off his beard, and say, "Osamie, you don't have to hide anymore. This time, you've been found. By me."

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Very revealing. And in its own way, very touching.

And you say that you did meet eventually?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Yes. We met at the Bellagio.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF In Vegas?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Yes. We didn't hit any of the casinos; he's very strict about that. But he was there. Not alone; he was with his posse.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Who was in his "posse"?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Well, a bunch of guys. But there were four of us in the room that night: me, Osama, Saddam Hussein and Mohamed Atta.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF And this was last year?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Thereabouts.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF That can't be.

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Like I told you, I don't know all the dates. But I know what I saw...and what I felt.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Well, ok.

You know, coincidentally, there's another woman with a book, Kola Boof, who claims to have had an affair with Bin-Laden. Do you believe her?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Oh no, she's a total liar. Didn't she say he was obsessed with Whitney Houston?

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Yes.

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden I happen to know he much prefers Alicia Keys.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Interesting.

I guess a big question we've overlooked in all this: have you ever been contacted by the FBI?

Karen Maroney, author - I Loved Osama
Bedded Bin-Laden Yes. Shortly after my book's publication was announced, they told me they were looking for Arabic translators.

Lombaire Fan, writer/editor/artist/raconteur
LF Karen Maroney, thanks for talking to me. And good luck.

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