Monday, August 21, 2006

This Week's Web Poll

The summer movie season is winding down - in America and the Mideast. In many countries in that troubled region, Western blockbusters often undergo major revision before seeing release to the general public.

With that in mind, here's a list of Iran's top-grossing movies for the summer of '06. Pick your favorite.

Vote once, and vote nicely - before Mahmoud Ahmadinejad steals this poll for his blog.


Anonymous said...

Are you a jew!?!?! Your blatant plagiarism will not be @#$%ing tolerated!! An Inconvenient Jew is the working title of my latest project that's loosely based on the arresting officer in a small incidence I was involved in. My lawyers will be in touch with your lawyers for a little chat funny man!

LombaireFan said...

Be that as it may.....loved you in Gallipoli!