Longtime Lomblog reader MK has some thoughts on the site's evolution ...
I've been following you since the beginning, and while I cant say theres been a change in the quality of your writing, I have noticed a difference in tone. Lately it seems theres a certain nastiness, a hostility, a catch-all cynicism that wasnt there when I first started reading. Sure, you were always a bit snarky and immature, but now you resort to flat-out ridicule and "calling-out" to make your points, as in your recent posts on Mel Gibson and Senator Lieberman. Not sure when I first noticed this change; maybe it was after Bush's re-election, or the time you got knocked unconscious by those Lebanese demonstrators. Whatever the case, Im not complaining. Everybody knows we live in angry, polarized times. I just sometimes miss the more subtle, whimsical Lomblog of old.
Keep up the good work
Interesting points.
Reader MP has a different take:
Was that guy who wrote in ahead of me a dick or what? Seriously, he has no right to tell you how to run your site. "Subtle" and "whimsical"? Just stick with your Calvin and Hobbes desk calendar, twinkletoes. If you can't take the Lomblog heat, get out of the Lomblog kitchen. Or better yet, start your own site on www.im-an-overanalytical-wanker.com. I'm sure we'll all rush over there as we struggle through these "angry, polarized times".
Keep up the great work!
P.S. - Don't you think it would be a good idea to add links to some of the posts he's talking about so new readers can chart your "evolution" themselves?
If you'd like to read some really insightful comments about your site, you can find loads of material on the ladies room wall in any internet cafe. You are a virtual legend.
hmmmm.....now there is an idea: virtual public bathroom walls. I must get to work, and I promise to put Lomblog's URL (along with an appropriate insult) up first!....See, L.F. still gives new life to the internet... long live the lom and the snarky
Thanks for the support, ladies.
And, I just have to know. Did,or does, anyone think the sounds made by the chorus are not horrible and ear-splitting? Or, is it just moi?
Do you mean the "Baby Pop" chorus? I can't get it out of my head! But then I've only played it a couple hundred times in the last three days.
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