In a matter of weeks, the fall TV season will begin. In my capacity as Lomblog entertainment editor, I've had a chance to sneak a peek at some truly excellent new programming. But of all the shows I've screened so far, one stands out: Yaleville.

As you might imagine, Yaleville takes place mostly on the campuses of Yale University in Connecticut, in the late 1960's and early 1970's. But it's not your typical coming-of-age drama, combining as it does elements of political intrigue and old-fashioned comic book action.
While I am not authorized to present any video clips, I have been licensed to publish some excerpts from the very impressive pilot episode. Enjoy Part One.
NARRATOR: More powerful than the will of local voters. Able to leap partisan bounds. Look, in Bridgeport, in Hartford, in New's a's a's ----
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman.
Tossed out by an angry electorate, Lieberman plunges forward, possessing superhuman powers of denial. But was he always this way? How did he become the Man of Spiel?
Joe is running for a spot in the state senate. After an arduous day of electioneering, he visits the home of an idealistic student volunteer, Lana Lodge.
LANA LODGE: Joe, that speech you gave at the Young Democrats' meeting fired everyone up!
JOE: Thanks, Lana.
LANA LODGE: I especially liked when you said, that as a liberal Democrat, you would never put corporate interests over the peoples' interest!
JOE: Yes, Lana.
LANA LODGE: And when you said that just because we're against the war, doesn't mean we're weak on national security!
JOE: Yes, Lana - I meant every word of that.
LANA LODGE: And when you said that if the Democratic party is divided over an issue, the best way to settle it is a vigorously contested primary election where both sides agree to abide by the result!
JOE: (coughing) Yes, Lana.
(quietly, in voiceover) I wonder if she knows my secret.
LANA LODGE: What a great speech! You gave everybody there a real burst of - well, there's just no other way to put it - a real burst of Joe-mentum!
JOE: Thanks, Lana. Uh, would you mind sitting down for a moment? There's something I need to tell you.
LANA LODGE: Sure, Joe.
JOE: Lana, I'm not sure how to phrase this but...I'm different.
LANA LODGE: Different, Joe? I've always known you were Jewish, and it doesn't faze me a bit! I'm still going to vote for you! And I'll tell all my friends to vote for you too! Now, my parents - well, they're Mayflower descendants and they belong to a lot of private clubs so --
JOE: No, Lana, that's not it. What I mean is, I'm different from other Democrats.
LANA LODGE: You, Joe? How?! You're anti-war! You registered black voters in the Deep South! Your political idol is JFK! How can you say you're different?
JOE: Because...because...I -- I have special powers.
LANA LODGE: Hahahahahaha. Don't make me laugh, Joe Lieberman. Your young friend Bill Clinton told me last night he has "special powers", then he offered me a drink and asked if I'd like to see his Thunderbird.
JOE: I condemn his outrageous, reprehensible behavior. It sends the wrong message to our children.
LANA LODGE: Oh, come on, Joe! It's no big deal. He's just a kid! And besides, he told me he misses his girlfriend back in Arkansas, and all the women here are cold fish.
(Holding up LP) Hey, would you like to hear the new Doors album?
JOE: I condemn Jim Morrison's outrageous, reprehensible behavior. His lyrics send the wrong message to our children.
LANA LODGE: Wow, Joe. You really are different. Are you sure you're not a Youth for Nixon? (laughing)
Joe appears to weaken. His knees buckle and his speech is staggered.
JOE: (Slowly) Noooo! Must....fight.....partisan.....po-la-ri-za-tion!!!
Will Joe recover? More Yaleville tomorrow
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I have only one thing to say about your post...
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