It's the weekend. What better time for a picture show? And today's edition of Saturday Matinee is even more special than most. It's an actual vintage film from Lombaire! Yes, the same FJ Lombaire who I've taken as my virtual namesake. This early video by French-pop diva France Gall - a protégé of another old favorite, Serge Gainsbourg - was released in 1966, just as Lombaire was hitting a career peak. His film Je Suis Gordo (I Am Gordo) had just been released, receiving fair reviews and earning over $1 million dollars in just fifteen years of limited release.

Not content to rest on his laurels, Lombaire directed a promo clip for Baby Pop - a very innovative and very pre-MTV collision of nymph and sound. And courtesy You Tube - man's greatest-ever invention - here it is. Enjoy. I'll be around later to answer all your Lombaire-related questions.
PS - If you watch closely, you might even catch a glimpse of Lombaire himself.
It just doesn't get any better than that, does it?
Was that Lombaire's hand? Thank you for this absolute gem Mr Fan, it really made my day. I simply adore Lombaire's unique style, he could certainly teach this generation's poor-excuse-for-a-director a thing or two about mise en scene!
I noticed Lombaire's hand all over the place, especially on that dancing brunette in the Jodie Foster Nell dress.
It's the hand you couldn't see that scared the heck out of me.
I watched and the hand morphed into Johnny Society.
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