Mel Gibson is still making news. After his embarrassing arrest for driving under the influence of The Protocols Of Zion, he's apologized and agreed to seek treatment to curb his addiction to drunken Jew-cop-baiting. He's even asked to meet with Jewish leaders to begin a process of "healing" - or at very least, have his people talk to their people. To which I say: Good on you, mate - you are one Braveheart of recovering bigotry. Yes, Mad Mel, "We Don't Need Another Hero"...but once you lick this Heb-hating thing, you may be it!
And why is everyone being so judgemental anyway? I know after I've slammed down a few cold ones, I get way more anti-Semitic. It's well-documented that alcohol lowers our inhibition, and with it, our reluctance to blame the Chosen People. It's one reason why I never, never drink at a B'Naith B'Rith dinner. Lesson learned the hard way, I might add.
But allow me to break some news on this topic. It seems that Mel's drunken highway outburst occurred after a long day recording brand-new DVD commentary tracks with castmates from his past films. With all the controversy, it's unlikely these recordings will ever see the light of day. Fortunately, I know someone who knows someone with access to these tapes. And he's made some transcripts.....
Lethal Weapon 3
Unreleased commentary track; excerpt
DANNY GLOVER: The thing I liked about playing Murtaugh was, here's a man who never....
MEL GIBSON: Glover man, sugar tits, do you notice how dark it is in this scene?
DANNY GLOVER: Hahaha yeah.
MEL GIBSON: The gaffer really f***ed up that day.
DANNY GLOVER: Hahaha, I think I remember.
MEL GIBSON: F***in' Jews. Last I ever work with a Jew gaffer.
MEL GIBSON: I had a good talk with Joel [Silver, producer of the Lethal Weapon films] about it.
DANNY GLOVER: Joel is great.
MEL GIBSON: Yes. Greatest kike I ever worked with.
DANNY GLOVER: (Coughing) Uh huh. It's amazing how you can still tap into the insanity of Riggs after all these years. What an actor.
We Were Soldiers
Unreleased commentary track; excerpt
CHRIS KLEIN: One of the great things about playing this role and appearing in this film was the opportunity to learn so much about Vietnam that I really didn't know before I.....
MEL GIBSON: I learned a lot too. You know who started this war, Chris?
CHRIS KLEIN: Uh....the Communists?
MEL GIBSON: F***in' Jews. Dean Rusk, McGeorge Bundy, Robert McNamara - all Jews.
MEL GIBSON: Lyndon Johnson - big Jew. And they were all in league with Mao Zedong, who was a Chink Jew.
CHRIS KLEIN: Oh man...
MEL GIBSON: Are you a Jew, Chris?
CHRIS KLEIN: I, uh....
MEL GIBSON: I'm gonna f*** you.
CHRIS KLEIN: Mel's reciting some of the dialogue that was cut, I think. Great memory.
Wow. Looks like he needs a lot of help. Pray for him, gang.
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