Sunday, June 27, 2004

LF Returns

Greetings! Yes, I am back - tan, rested and ready to reclaim my spot in the Blogger hierarchy. But first I want to thank the people who guest-blogged while I was away: Ganesh Parthak, Frank Jacks(RIP), and Týler Wye. You all did a terrific job. And judging from the mail, you have a lot of fans out there, even among those who wrote that the site without me was "just a shadow." It's nice to know that if I decided to take another long vacation - say, in late July and again in early September - the blog would still function adequately, if not spectacularly. It bodes well for the future of both Lomblog and my backhand.

Before I departed, I made casual reference to an article I was working on that promised to "blow the lid off" the Bush Administration and sundry other national institutions. Since then, for the first time in my career, I've received countless threats of bodily harm from people I'm not personally acquainted with. Clearly, some of the higher-ups are a little antsy about the truth being revealed by someone who can't be discredited as a left-wing loon or fat. They want to keep the country in the dark while their big, rich "oil baron" friends plunder us dry, twirl their handlebar mustaches and chew on comically oversize cigars. I, for one, am not going to sit back and let it happen. I won't be intimidated by the malignant forces that form the so-called "powers that be." That's why I'm soliciting funds for another trip - this time to the Virgin Islands - in hopes of uncovering more dark secrets that will stun any American who doesn't read much. Follow this link for instructions on how to contribute.

Meanwhile, I will continue to provide my readers with my patented brand of film criticism-cum-social comment. In fact, very soon, I will examine claims of inaccuracy and politically-motivated hyperbole in this weekend's most talked-about new release...White Chicks.

It's great to be back!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Ain't Nothin' Like Real Thing, Baby...

LombaireFan said...

Thank you! And speaking of coming back, is this the Anonymous I know - aka "Anony" - or that new Anonymous I don't know?

Thank you also for that tasteful tribute to Ray Charles.

Anonymous said...

It's me, Anony. I should have made that clear, but I was just so excited about your return, not that I didn't enjoy the guest bloggers. We were so lucky to have some of the final thoughts of Frank Jacks.

LombaireFan said...

Great to see you again, Anon. I was concerned we might have a case of online identity theft here.