Soon it will be Memorial Day in the United States, traditionally considered the unofficial start of summer. But rest assured, Lomblog will not be resting on its fat laurels anytime soon. I'm hitting the road, not - as the English put it - "on vacation, old chap", but in hot pursuit of the news. Yes, I plan on providing live on-the-spot coverage of all the major events of the summer: concert festivals (Rock for Martha!), the two political conventions, the demonstrations outside (bring on the teargas!) and whatever bogus terror alerts are announced in advance of each. Why, I may even blog from the Olympics in Athens, if I can find an angle more interesting than that "indomitable glory of the human spirit" crap. So if you loved our coverage of Cannes, you're going to even more love what we're planning for the months and weeks ahead. But I can't do it without your help.

Although this site is still technically free to produce, our operating expenses are growing each day. Just last week, I had to replace my "Shift" key and buy an extra floppy disk to hold the various permutations of the "Cheese Or Lose" graphic. Rest assured, I'm not asking for a million dollars - though that would be real nice. Just anything you can contribute at the moment would help. The Lombaire Foundation can not do it alone. So if you'd like to help, send your cash or check to:
Lombaire Fan
Hollywood, California
The United States of America
Or, to deposit directly to my bank account:
Juerg Swenderson
Geneva, Switzerland
Ok, uh - you're going to have to use the e-mail link for more details and legal advice on that one. I don't have a Paypal account yet; I just don't trust online banking, I worry it's all a ruse to trap people into one of those Pete Townsend-style sting operations. Still, who am I to argue with financial progress?
With your support (and a few national calamities), this could be my most exciting summer yet!
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