As I'm sure everyone knows, this is a very tense time for relations between the great spiritual sects. It seems like every day brings another development that threatens to drive new walls between Christians and Jews, Muslims and Jews, Christians and Muslims and regular God-believers vs. people that are into some kind of tripped-up yoga-based thing that Madonna practices. It's a shame, and one that carries with it tragic repercussions. And the worst part is, it's all completely unnecessary. Despite the surface differences, most people of faith have an awful lot in common. As I hope you can see, I've given this a lot of thought. And I've come to the conclusion that maybe the hatred and mistrust would lesson a little if only we could see past the symbols that divide us.
Well, one of those symbols need divide us no longer.

What you see here is, as far as I'm aware, the world's very first Mohammed fish. Print it out, put it on a t-shirt, or get your very own Mohammed fish bumper sticker by writing to me at (prices currently unavailable). Even if you're not Muslim, you may want one anyway - it can't hurt to show a little solidarity with members of the world's largest and fastest-growing religion, can it? I won't be happy until I see these babies all over the highways of North America.
Who knows? Maybe even Madonna will get one.
Thank you for the support, FFB. I promise I won't trash-can your next post
Pardon me....that should be *FBE*. I was thinking of another poster from back in the day, French Film Buff, a nudist Renoir fan.
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