(My Cannes adventure continues - Audrey Tautou can't get enough of me - but I'm still keeping in touch with the proverbial "peeps" back home. In fact, one very special friend wrote to me just today. Because of the urgency of this message, I've decided to publish the full e-mail here, as well as add a few notes of my own in parentheses.)

While the legal process in my case continues to unfold, many of you
keep asking if there is anything you can do to help. (This is Martha's way of saying she knows I've "got her back") Since I
established my website nearly a year ago, it has received over 33
million hits - and more than 150,000 supportive emails. (Check your inbox, Martha - there's a lot more on the way!) I can't tell
you how much this continued outpouring of positive messages means to
me. (It's no biggie; I know you'd do the same if I were falsely convicted)
If you are so inclined (as if there's any doubt!), there are some things you can do that would
make a difference not only to me, but also to Martha Stewart Living
Omnimedia and its employees, business partners and customers who have,
unfortunately, been impacted by my personal legal situation:
* If the local broadcast affiliate in your area has discontinued
my television program, you can write to the station manager to ask
that it be reinstated for the remainder of this season. Several
stations have put the show back on the air in response to viewer
requests. (I wish it were that easy. Unfortunately, the station manager for my affiliate tends to sidestep my questions with replies like "How did you get my address?" and "Why did you call my daughter's middle school?")
* You can subscribe to our magazines -- Martha Stewart Living,
Everyday Food, Weddings and Kids. They remain full of the kind of
creative homekeeping and entertaining ideas you simply can't find
anywhere else. (This is just like Oscar Wilde: the minute you make an impact in the worlds of both fashion and literature, they throw you in the slammer)
* You can visit KMart and enjoy the wonderful assortment of
Everyday products for your home. Our products continue to embody the
very highest standards in quality and design. (I applaud KMart for their courage in standing up to the witchhunters)
* You can visit
Living to find incomparable recipes, insightful gardening information,
and a myriad of other ideas to make your home an even more special
place. Check out our line of Signature furniture, paint, flooring and
fabric products. (I'd sure like to but if there's anything I learned in high school, it's that I can only be alone with paint for so long)
And, of course, you can keep sending your kind messages to me here at marthatalks.com. It lifts my spirit beyond measure to know that
there are so many of you who care about what I do, what Martha Stewart
Living does, and what we stand for. (Be there not a soul so dead it is unmoved by this woman's courage)
You have my most sincere thanks for your steadfast support.
Martha Stewart
***If you wish to be removed from this email list, please REPLY to
martha@marthatalks.com with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the SUBJECT
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