Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Hello and welcome!

I've finally found a forum that allows me to communicate with the outside world, and without the constant interference of rude debunkers, computer-programmed strumpets, and various others that stand in the way of me - as Bob Dylan once put it - "keep on keepin' on, like a bird that flew." For now these wings are free, baby, and I intend to spread 'em for all the world to see!

In case you're wondering, the name of this site is derived from the great French director FJ Lombaire. I have spent most of my time on the Internet trying to bring his work to the attention of the masses, who seem all too content to waste their lives and dollars on the latest mediocre blockbuster starring "the Rock", Vin Diesel or J-Lo (btw, I call her "J-Ho" - how's that for clever?). Lombaire was a truly challenging director and until his name is finally recognized by the Academy, or at very least, the IMDB, I will not rest on my laurels.

But I will also take time out to comment on current events, for I am a man of very strong, somewhat well-informed opinions. However, this will not be primarily a political site. I'd hate to see the great name of Lombaire become inextricably linked with controversial activity, the way the names of actors Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave, Charlton Heston and the singing duo Steve Lawrence and Edie Amin have been. Never fear; I am not afraid to take a stand. For instance, I am very anti-rape room. I just don't wear these causes on my sleeve.

Soon, I hope to add a bit of biographical information on Mr. Lombaire, and on myself. I will also add some accoutrements typical of other blogs, such as a link to my e-mail address (no naughty pictures please - I'm not looking for a Fatal Affliction!) and one to my Amazon wishlist. Why I need a wishlist, I don't know; I'm not a 12-year-old with leukemia. But it seems to be very popular in blogland, so I see no reason not to include it.

We have just embarked on a great adventure, full of wine, women, cheese and song. Sadly, I must depart for now but think about tomorrow as I bid you...


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