Friday, April 30, 2004

LF In Custody

LF here, blogging by permission of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. As you may know, LA shopping malls were under a threat advisory yesterday. Nothing came of it, fortunately, but it was probably not the best afternoon for me to pick up the new Lou Reed cd (Of course, I happen to be of the opinion that Nico made the Velvets but I'm sure that doesn't surprise you). Anyway, as I approached the Sam Goody counter, a SWAT team descended upon me. My first thoughts were, "I've been mistaken for celebrities before, but never Winona Ryder." It was not until I arrived at a nearby Federal Detention Center that I was finally given an explanation.

The authorities wanted to question me about my connection to Muqtada al-Sadr. I informed them that Muqi is merely an online friend, that we have never met or conspired offline and that I am in fact extremely reticent of meeting anyone from the Net in person (Long story but I had a bad experience with a Quebec nationalist who looked nothing like her picture). I tried to answer all the questions as skillfully as I could, but I have to admit my Arabic pronunciation suffered a little under the pressure. I also tried to explain that my association with Muq was personal, not political, as over the years, I've supported and contributed funds to Democratic, Republican and Baathist candidates for president. They let me leave after an hour or so of questioning but said that because of my activities, I would be placed on a "watch list" (I assume this is FBI code for the My Favorites folder).

I could bore you with a lot more details but the important thing is this: SOMEBODY'S BEEN READING MY SITE! Yes, Lomblog has finally penetrated the American consciousness and we ain't going home 'til both parties have gotten their respective jollies!

As for me, I'll probably be home tomorrow, if my head can still fit through the door. :D

Adieu from jail!

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